Using Numerology And Colour According To Your Zodiac Sign

10x Your Selection Chances In Job Interviews Using Numerology And Colour According To Your Zodiac Sign

Today's job market is even more competitive than it was previously. Cutthroat competition narrows your application response, leaving you with fewer options than you expected. So, when you receive an interview call, you want to make the most of the opportunity. 

Aside from physical and mental preparation, you should ensure that the planets are aligned in your favour. This is an important factor that affects your luck and your chances of succeeding at the interview. Numerology is a branch of occult science in which numbers are influenced by planets. It can help you increase your chances of success during your interview.

What is Numerology?

The ancient concept of numerology is the study of numbers and their relationship. Some people think numbers are symbolic, while others think they can reveal patterns or help make predictions. Many people use numerology to improve their understanding of the world. However, it can also help you learn more about yourself.

Career numerology allows you to consider your character traits and personality type. It will also encourage you to consider what you excel at and what you might struggle with in a career. Numerology is a fun way to discover your personality's strengths and weaknesses.

Here are some Numerology Tips to help you make the most of the interview and see success in your job prospects :

Wear Either White or blue

Even before you speak, your interview attire reflects your personality and makes an impression. It was reported that 65% of bosses would consider clothes the deciding factor between two nearly identical candidates. So, it is best to dress in either white or blue, as both are considered neutral colours according to numerology. You could also dress in your lucky colour for the best results.

Do Not fix an interview on Saturday

It is best to avoid scheduling an interview for Saturday. Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is known for producing extremely slow results. It is a planet of obstacles and delays in a person's life. As a result, it is best to avoid scheduling interviews on Saturdays.

Try & Schedule Your Interview On Your Lucky Date

For the best results, schedule your interview on your lucky date. It will improve your luck and increase your chances of succeeding at the interview. However, dates totalling four or eight should be avoided. 

Number 4 is ruled by Rahu, also known as Dragon's Head, and is known to be a difficult number that causes the native to experience many ups and downs. Number 8 is ruled by Saturn and is considered an unlucky number, causing numerous problems and delays for the person. As a result, it is best to avoid dates with totals like these.

Avoid Joining On The 4th Or 8th Of Any Month

To have a long and successful career with the company, avoid starting on the 4th, 8th, or any other date that adds up to 4 or 8. As previously stated, the numbers 4 and 8 are unfavourable. Number 4 brings a lot of ups and downs, and while the natives may achieve quick success, they are unable to maintain it. It would be ideal if you could start at your new company on a lucky day.  Apart from avoiding dates 4 and 8, you can improve your chances of having a long and successful career by consulting an expert and joining on a favourable date. 

Achieve success at your Game Changer Interview

If you want to get through a game-changing interview, numerology experts can help you succeed. They can analyze your date of birth and recommend lucky dates, colours, time periods, and so on based on their extensive knowledge of Astrology or Numerology. They can point out all of the factors that can improve your chances and help you succeed at the interview.

Interviews are life-changing opportunities. Everyone attends the interviews to move forward in their lives. While some ace without any help, others need some guidance to push through. Astrooffer is here to offer that extra something needed to see you successful. 

In Summary,

Numerology is a science of numbers governed by planets that have helped and guided people in identifying their potential and increasing their luck through a variety of factors. To realize your full potential and build a long-term successful career, consult with experts and leverage the power of numbers.